Not many people are aware of the fact that there is even an identity day in this world. In this brief article, Bahaa Abdul Hadi, will tell you about the significance of International Identity Day. As the words suggest, the primary purpose of International Identity Day is to raise awareness about the significant role of identity in our lives.

It aims to highlight the importance of identity in empowering individuals to freely exercise their rights. It ensures that people remember the responsibilities and duties that they should follow as a result of having several identities. They could be a citizen, a woman, a man, a child, a student, a doctor, a teacher, etc.

This day also commemorates the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 16.9 which aims to provide legal identity to all its citizens by the year 2030, including birth registrations. Technology and digital media play a key role in advancing the identities of people all around the world.

Intended audience :

The intended audience for International Identity Day is the entire global community. This day reminds us of all of our rights and responsibilities as citizens of this world. It reminds us to play significant and required roles in our societies. The intended audience is also the governments – both national and international that provide its people with identities.

Governments play a significant role in protecting and promoting the identities of people, both digitally and otherwise. This day is also significant for various people who feel that their gender identity is different and not what they were assigned at birth. Therefore, this day gives them a chance to advocate for their new identities.

Content purpose :

International Identity Day calls for all countries to recognise all identities of people that make them citizens of this world. September 16 is recognised as International Identity Day.

Having proof of our identity is very a significant fundamental right. This right is important to experience life to its full potential, especially in the digital transformation of society and communities.

International Identity Day helps us reflect on various identities we have, especially to further three fundamental identities of –

  • Inclusion
  • Protection
  • Empowerment

People may have different cultural identities, gender identities, civic identities, and many more. Also, it is important to note that having an international identity means that a person’s sense of self also transcends beyond their national borders and boundaries.

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