Development of a smart city requires using latest parking management system as per Bahaa Abdul Hadi. This solution is capable of solving traffic and logistical issues. Many things connected with traffic management can be automated. As the number of private vehicles increases, ensuring free flow of traffic becomes a challenging task. A city that can ensure smooth flow of traffic benefits in various ways. Its economy improves as the people and goods can move faster. Everyone and everything reaches their destination quickly.

The market for the parking management systems is increasing at a rapid pace. Automating the parking management systems is necessary as the number of vehicles plying on roads increases and current manual solutions prove inefficient. Urban areas currently rely on pay and park parking systems. This can be improved further by using an automated system to make this process efficient, quick and smooth.

The Need for a Parking Management Solution

This system is needed to utilize the parking lots properly and efficiently. Transport operators benefit from this system. They can improve the efficiency of their parking management process. Financial losses and environmental issues associated with parking can be overcome with a better vehicle parking system.

Why Do Smart Cities Need This System?

Management of a parking lot is not limited to controlling only the entry and exit. It requires managing a lot more features. The parking management can be improved by automating it, improving the facility, and allocating more space for parking. The automatic system eliminates the manual errors, ensuring a better experience for both the management and the drivers.

When drivers can pay without using the services of the parking lot stuff, they can enter and exit the parking lot quickly. This smooth system prevents any bottleneck at the entry and exit points. In this system, cars are equipped with an RFID tag that identifies them. A machine at the gate reads this ID and handles the payment and other processes. The RFID tag can be linked to the bank account of the vehicle owner allowing the parking system to automatically debit the parking charge from that account.

Protecting the Environment

It is estimated that drivers spend a lot of time driving around looking for the parking space. It results in the wastage of fuel. When this incident is multiplied thousands of times every day across different cities, it can be seen that lots of oil is burned unnecessarily. Inefficient parking management is a major cause of smoke and noise pollution. It creates bottlenecks at many points where drivers have to wait for their turn to park vehicles.

Parking management in an urban environment can be made faster, efficient and economical by using an automated parking management system. It benefits not only the commercial establishments but also the vehicle owners, public and governments.

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