Are you a tech enthusiast? If so, you should get into the exciting world of artificial intelligence observed by Bahaa Abdul Hadi. Among the many roles AI plays, its role in identity management is significant. With AI, it becomes now possible to add a touch of customization to your security measures in managing your identity. It is not about keeping things safe. Rather, it is all about customizing security for you.

Traditional Credentials

Still, you might be using passwords and usernames. They are turning out to be relics of the past slowly. Yes, with the introduction of artificial intelligence, managing your identity has become a personalized experience. Apart from beefing up security, it also ensures that you feel as if your digital world is dedicated to you entirely.

Enhance Personalization with Biometric Authentication

One of the interesting things that AI offers is biometric authentication. With this technology, you need not have to worry about remembering usernames and passwords. Rather, you will use your voice, fingerprint, or face as the token to gain entry. This authentication adds a layer of security. Yes, it not only makes accessing your phone or account easy. But, it ties your identity to something that solely belongs to you.

More Than Biometrics

Yes, Artificial Intelligence does not stop there. It is a quick learner as well. Above all, it can function as an intelligent detective for you. How about having a personal assistant, who understands your online behavior over time? Yes, AI can do this for you. The algorithms of AI can evaluate how you communicate with your devices, services, and apps. So, whenever, it detects something unusual, it will caution you immediately.

Fight Against Cyberthreats

AI when joins hands with Machine Learning becomes even more powerful. It will begin using fresh techniques that cybercriminals might use to attack your data. So, apart from knowing your digital habits, AI can also keep you protected against bad guys. So, your web world will become safer than ever before for you in 2024.

AI’s Association with Blockchain

As you are tech-savvy, you might have heard about blockchain technology for sure. Identity management becomes even more foolproof with an association between AI and blockchain. It means that your digital identity gets tamper-proof and secure in blockchain. In other words, no one can mess with your data.

In short, in 2024, AI apart from making things smarter can also make things uniquely yours. It can function as your personal digital bouncer to safeguard you in a world filled with cyber criminals.

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