Bahaa Abdul Hadi started off pointing out his experience that medical identity theft is a big problem. Every year medical identities of 250,000 Americans are stolen. The stolen data includes personal information, such as name and Social Security number as well as other details like Medicare number. This data is used to make fraudulent claims on behalf of the original person. Fraudulent health care bills have caused an average of $13,500 loss for the victim. The stolen data can also be used to scam the victim in other ways. Companies and governments are turning to biometric solutions to prevent frauds and scams. Biometric data of an individual is highly unique. It can include facial recognition details.

Machine Analysis

The market for healthcare biometrics is increasing rapidly. Healthcare operators like hospitals, government agencies and other stakeholders are using biometric solutions. Facial recognition, a part of this biometrics group, is also being used extensively now as the technology for this purpose has advanced a lot. The biometric system collects thousands of data points of the face. Machine analysis is used to match the new facial data of a person with the recorded one in the system. This technology has great scope to reduce theft of medical identities. In turn, it will improve the quality of health care services as well.

Early Disease Detection

The facial recognition data is also being used in other ways. For example, the new data when compared to the old one can be used to identify changes in the face. For example, doctors are now using this technology to identify changes on the tongue to see if a whitish spot on it is due to a bite or cancerous cells. Symptoms of many illnesses appear on the face. The signs of a disease can be identified early with the help of facial recognition technology. It will lead to early detection, diagnosis and treatment, preventing any harm to the affected person. It will reduce the risks of illnesses that can prove fatal if not detected early.

Removing Racial Bias

At the same time, the program used for facial identification must be free of racial bias. Some of these programs have shown bias recently. Better AI (artificial intelligence) programming is needed to prevent such issues.

An improvement in facial recognition technology will lead to better identification. Many people do not like this technology due to the risk of compromising their privacy and misuse of their biometric data. However, this technology offers more benefits than risks.

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