The airline industry is constantly evolving and is using technology to do this effectively. There are many challenges that the industry faces. Congestion in airports and long queues is a major challenge to be resolved. This is where the use of face recognition and AI can help according to Bahaa Abdul Hadi.
A study revealed that using AI with facial recognition allows an airline company to board 285 passengers in just 20 minutes. This reduces the time by half, thus solving the problem of delays and congestion.
Implementing Facial Recognition and AI in air travel
Using facial recognition is not merely a theoretical concept. It is being used in practice through the US EXIT program that makes use of biometric boarding. Homeland Security has made an ambitious plan of using facial recognition for boarding in at least 97% of international flights by the year 2023.
It is a known fact that the present system that relies on manual work slows down the process. Facial recognition can identify the passenger easily thereby removing manual effort involved in checking documents. AI can then look at past flight records of the individual as an extra security layer. The passenger can then be identified and authenticated.
All this can be done in seconds, allowing the queue to move ahead fast. It is possible to increase efficiency two-fold by implementing such a system. Most importantly, it offers convenience for customers. They no longer have to queue up hours before and spend time waiting. Airline companies can offer a better customer experience.
The question then is why it is not implemented yet. Firstly, there is investment to be made in terms of both hardware and software. The second aspect is that not all airlines are convinced of its effectiveness. There are also privacy concerns involved.
All these issues need to be handled if both the airlines and the passenger would benefit. For the airlines, it translated to reduced manpower needs and greater efficiency. Passengers would have a great experience. While it is being implemented partly, more effort is needed to fast track it. Doing so will help in ensuring air travel becomes quicker and easier.
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