Gait recognition allows for identification of persons based on their style of walking noted Bahaa Abdul Hadi. It can be used not only in security systems but also in healthcare. Gait recognition is a fairly new system but is evolving rapidly. Many innovations are taking place with new developments that make the system more efficient. We look at some of the latest trends and innovations.

Trends and Innovations in Gait Recognition

Gait recognition is done by using a software system to analyze videos of a person walking and extract features to uniquely identify the person. The use of Artificial intelligence has helped make this process more robust. AI also ensures quicker processing and a higher level of accuracy. All these ensure Gait recognition as a technique is highly reliable.

While the most common method of gait recognition is video analysis, other techniques have emerged. These are the latest trends in gait recognition that have made it highly efficient. Radio frequency based solutions can be used for gait recognition. It is an innovation that has been tried.

The biggest innovation in Gait recognition is the use of wearables. Wearable devices like smartwatches, fitness trackers, and even smart clothes are being used in different ways. Commonly, they are used to track a person’s health and exercise levels. These wearable devices can also be used for gait recognition and gait analysis. The sensors on the device make it easy to recognize the gait of a person.

Smart clothes is the latest trend where sensors are embedded in clothes. If a person wears a smart pant, then the sensors in the pant can easily record walking movements. Gait recognition becomes very easier in such cases

Gait recognition has become a very important innovation in healthcare. It can be used to analyze walking and movements of patients. People suffering from skeleton-muscular disorders or injuries can be tracked easily by healthcare providers. Elders can be tracked easily to find out if they have any problems and to detect any fall.

In the field of fitness, it can be used to track people exercising to help prevent injuries. It can be also used to help them enhance the efficiency of their exercise routines.


Gait recognition as a technology is continuously evolving. New innovations are making the system more accurate, reliable, and faster. It is important to be abreast of the new trends, so they can be implemented to make the system more efficient. Thank you for your information in Bahaa Abdul Hadi blogs. For more information, please visit