Identity Management, also known as Identity and Access Management, is a system to manage identities of people online stated by Bahaa Abdul Hadi. It is a system used to ensure security online that restricts access of people to data. In today’s world that is fraught with cyber security risks, identity management plays a key role in enhancing security.

Identity management – concept and aims

Identity management is a system that ensures that only authorized persons are granted access to resources. For example, the server room in a company can be physically accessed only by system administrators. Data on the server can be accessed only by those who work with the data. The level of access also varies with some people only having read access and very few people having write access.

This system ensures the highest level of security. It ensures that no one without authorization can access an organization’s systems. It helps to identify people online to verify if they have been granted access to resources.

The aims of identity management include:

  • Ensuring unauthorized persons don’t get access to resources.
  • Identifying people online before granting them access.
  • Ensuring that only the persons doing a particular work are allowed to access data related to the work.
  • To create a system for granting and revoking access to people (employees, contractors, customers, and vendors).
  • To reduce instances of fraud, cyber crime, and prevent losses.
  • Ensures compliance with regulatory requirements.

Benefits of following identity management

  • Identity managements helps to identify and authenticate people online, thereby preventing unauthorized access.
  • It helps to prevent data breaches and losses that can hurt businesses. It also helps in preventing cyber crime incidents.
  • Identity management ensures that organizations comply with data privacy and related laws.
  • The organization can secure its assets better by following identity management.
  • You can reduce your security risks by following identity management.
  • The work of security team members becomes easier once you implement identity management.
  • It allows users easy access to systems without complications. Using tools like biometric authentication makes it even easier since users don’t have to remember or save passwords. User satisfaction is thus reduced.
  • Since the process of authentication and access control is simplified, it helps in improving productivity.
  • It gives the organization the freedom to decide how they could grant access to different roles and persons. It is a highly flexible system.
  • Since it logs all access details, it creates records that can be needed for legal purposes.

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