Do you have some specifics when it comes to social media platforms you like? You should be equally particular about identity management observed by Bahaa Abdul Hadi. When talking about identity, the first thing you think about is username and password. However, in 2024, we are already into the biometric bonanza. Your fingerprints and your face are not anymore simply to unlock your smartphone. They are keys to your digital kingdom. Read on to learn more about the latest trends in identity management in 2024. Also, know what it holds for the future.

Artificial Intelligence is No More Associated with Sci-Fi Movies Alone

Yes, when thinking about AI, you need not have to remember Sci-Fi movies anymore. Rather, it is turning out to be a superhero behind the scenes in the lives of many of us.

Artificial Intelligence watches and learns your digital traits. It understands your online behavior and starts guarding you. When something is not right, it will give you a gentle reminder as well.

You Cannot Overlook Blockchain

Yes, you have judged it right! Blockchain technology has a role to play in identity management in 2024. With its shielding nature, this technology can protect your digital identity. Without worrying about digital impersonators, you can play safe with your identity management. The reason is that blockchain is tamper-proof.

Customized Security Measures

In managing your identity, personalized security holds great value. Yes, your digital behavior will be different from that of others. So, the same security measures might not work for you. Understanding this, identity management will become more personalized in 2024.

In 2024, your identity will be managed efficiently. Not only efficiently, it will happen in a tech-savvy and friendly way in 2024. Do you love biometric authentication? Otherwise, do you love artificial intelligence? In both cases, you can expect your identity management to be efficient in 2024. When personalization is possible that too with a friendly approach, you can get a good feel.

Identity management in 2024 is expected to grow further. When AI becomes degenerative AI, it will continue to learn a lot. You can expect great evolution in the ways to safeguard digital identity. So, buckle up for the most stunning experience and stay relieved of your concern about your digital identity this year. Indeed, cybercriminals are becoming equally tech savvies. Rather, with robust security measures available these days, your identity management in 2024 is all set to achieve greater heights. So, keep our fingers crossed!

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