Biometrics is the use of physical characteristics to recognize and identify a person observed Bahaa Abdul Hadi. The most well-known application of biometrics is in the field of authentication. An individual can be easily identified and authenticated by using their biometric data, which is unique to them. Biometrics works on the concept of pattern recognition. We look at this in greater detail.

What are biometric patterns?

A biometric pattern is an identifier created using physical or behavioral characteristics of an individual. The pattern is created by scanning a person’s fingerprint, face, or even the way they walk. Once a pattern is created, it can be stored securely. The next time, an individual can be scanned and the pattern compared with a database. This can help in identifying a person and authenticating them, making biometric patterns useful in security.

Pattern recognition involves extracting traits from an individual and creating a pattern based on the traits. It would involve the following processes:

  1. Acquiring data: Data is acquiring by scanning traits of a user. It can be in the form of scanning the fingerprint, iris, retina, facial features, or even the voice.
  2. Extracting features: Once the data is acquired, it is processed. The features of the individual are then extracted through this data. It is a known fact that biometric traits like fingerprints and iris are unique to each individual. It can be used to extract features from a scan.
  3. Classification: Once the feature is extracted, it can be grouped into classes or categories.
  4. Evaluation: The pattern thus obtained can then be evaluated by comparing against stored patterns in a database. Doing this can help in identification and authentication.
  5. Decision: Once the evaluation is done, a decision is taken on whether a match is obtained or not. If the pattern matches, then the person is authenticated.

Pattern recognition is very helpful in security systems allowing a person to be identified and granted access to a system.

Biometric patterns are obtained from:

  1. Biological features: Blood, DNA, or body fluids.
  2. Morphological features: Physical characteristics like fingerprint, iris, retina, facial features, veins, etc.
  3. Behavioral features: How a person walks, speaks, or even uses the keyboard to type can be used to create a unique pattern.


Biometric patterns are created using fingerprints, facial images, and retina scans. These patterns can then be saved on a database and used for identification and authentication. Biometric patterns are helpful in security and have today become commonplace. It is a simple, effective, and convenient way of enhancing security in today’s world.

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