The term ABIS stands for Automated Biometric Identification System. It is an independent platform which records biometrics characteristics to identify individuals in real time.
ABIS compares various biometrics traits like voice scan, retinal scan, fingerprint or facial scan against a pre-recorded database. Depending on how sophisticated the technology is, ABIS can also trace nuances like behavior, body language and digital fingerprints. Both private and state organizations around the world use this technology for security and operational purposes.
ABIS technology has many use cases. Here are some of them:
ABIS Use Case
Bahaa Abdul Hadi shares theBorder Identity and Refugee Management Use Case.
To check who is entering a country’s border, border organizations use IDENT. The state manages this ABIS variant centrally. It scans every individual entering the country from land, air or sea. IDENT is also handy in running background checks, especially for specific security clearance.
The same ABIS variant helps in the processing and management of requests for immigration and requests for political asylum.
Management of Visa Application
Embassies of many countries use the ABIS technology check to whether a visa applicant has any criminal background. For many long term visa applications, this security check is a must. In the era of digitization, ABIS scans are mandatory for individuals applying for E-Visa services online.
Management of Patient Identification
Even hospitals use ABIS for maintaining a thorough patient database. At the time of admission, some patients do not have identification documents. ABIS technology scans such patients and helps the hospital in identifying them.
Management of Employee Verification
Before hiring a candidate, companies can use the ABIS system to run background checks. This is helpful in ensuring that the candidate is free of any criminal charges in the past. Or, ABIS can also verify the information provided by the candidate.
Availing E Passport
To make things more convenient, many governments offer E Passports. That means, candidates can apply online without visiting the passport office. The ABIS system helps the passport authorities to correctly identify a candidate.
Insurance and Banking Sector
When a transaction is high-value, banks use ABIS to verify the identity of the user. This makes the transaction more secure.
In insurance, the ABIS technology provides claim processing and automated enrollment facilities.
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